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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bingo Bango Fly Fishing Series

A new fly fishing show is about to hit the www come May of 2008. Several folks living in ontario have come up with an idea that is sure to entertain not only fly fishing folk, but anyone who enjoys the great outdoors. The Bingo Bango Fly Fishing show is set to bring you information about fly fishing in ontario, techniques, fly patterns, etc. through a hilariously driven format that is sure to bring you to your knees in tears of laughter.

Heres the trailer for the 2008 season of Bingo Bango Fly Fishing

more at: www.fishfinder.co.nr


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Steelhead Fly Fishing, Ontario Fly Patterns, Free Fly Fishing Videos. What ever Ontario Fly Fishing information you are looking for, you are bound to find it with the help of Fly Fish Ontario. Don't forget to check out the full length online fly fishing video series Bingo Bango Fly Fishing.

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