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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Coaster Brook Trout Caught in Credit River Ontario

CRAA President John Kendell posted some very exciting information on the CRAA website yesterday about a coaster brookie that they lifted at the Streetsville dam.

Original Post:

Today CRAA, working with Mark from MNR lifted a coaster brook trout, about 3.2 pounds or 18 inches at the Streetsville fish ladder. This is the first brookie we have ever seen and it was high fives all around! Wouldn't it be amazing to add these guys to the mix of fish in the river!

We also lifted a few more browns. To date CRAA has captured and transported 20 migratory brown trout up the river.

Under the brook trout you will see a grilse Atlantic salmon that I caught below the dam as well yesterday.

2008 is proving to be a very exciting year. Record steelhead lift, record Atlantic return (since at least 1870's) and now a coaster brookie. Plus transporting brown trout and steelhead in the fall.

This is another fantastic example highlighting how the Credit River is becoming a cleaner, healthier river due to work by CRAA, MNR, CVC and other groups.


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Satria Sudeki September 28, 2008 at 1:37 PM  

hei... I read your information from begining to the end and I think that is interesting information.. I think i will tell this information again to my friend and I hope this information will be usefull for them... oh yes I suggest you to check my blog on http://101aboutfishing.blogspot.com/ , I hope the article on my blog will be usefull for you... and we can share each other. thank you... ;-)

Anonymous,  October 8, 2008 at 7:49 PM  

Nice brook!

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